I'll start with Fileflyer. This filehosting provides free download with high transfer rate and resume capability, but I'm not sure with parallel downloading and queue download. I've never tried that before. You can see the download link clearly when the page finished loading. Refer this image:
Despite of the high transfer rate and resume capability, this site has one major disadvantage. Sometimes you can't download the file, and this site asks you to try again later or unlock it. How to unlock? You need to buy the access code. Take a look at this image:
About the price for the unlock code, I don't know because I've never bought it. If I've encountered this situation, I'll choose to try it later.
In the screenshot, you've to wait for 45 seconds before you can start download the file. The download button is clearly there, no need to explain about that. And take a look at the file size (sorry the image is not big enough). In this screenshot, I've tried to download a file with size about 4477.5 MB (almost 4.5 GB) which is so big. So in term of file size limit, this filehosting is very generous. Maybe you can give it a try later.
Another one is MegaFTP. This one is also a good one. Lately more people tend to upload their movie to this filehosting, especially my friends in the syok forum. Transfer rate is good, you can resume your download and also it supports parallel downloading. So you can queue it up. I've tried several times and personally, I like this site. I can say that this is my second preferably filehosting after Mediafire. And to download is very easy. Refer the screenshot below.
Just wait for the download link and click it to start downloading. No need for a countdown timer or whatsoever.
Currently this site offers an account for free for one year membership. You can try to register since you don't have to pay anything. About the privilege, I'm not sure since I didn't upload anything yet. Download for free user and members are about the same.
I think I've shared with you plenty of filehostings. And yes, there's a lot more in the internet world. You may encounter others that you can't find in this blog. I'm not gonna list and explain each and every one of it. You may find the way how to download it. Basically, its about the same, what is important is find the magic word. In my next post, I'll start with other topics but you are free to ask me if you've encountered some difficulty with filehosting. I'll try my best...
Please tell how to get free fileflyer codes