One of the most popular filehosting is Rapidshare. I'm gonna use this website as an example for downloading using site login. We'll discuss about filehosting in another post.
If you've a premium rapidshare account, and you've already do the setting correctly, than it's easier to download from this site. Just copy the URL (eg., open IDM interface and click 'Add URL'. This windows will appear.
Note that your username and password will appear and IDM will use this account information to download the file. Simply click ok and 'Download file info' will appear. Click start and you can download the file directly without having to open the link using your browser.
This method is easy for a few link to download. But what if you have so many links to download? Take a look at this screenshot:
There are so many links and it's a hell of a job to copy those links, one by one and paste it in the IDM. But there's always an easier way. Just copy all those links and paste it in the notepad. Save it in a location where you can find it. After that, open IDM interface and click 'Tasks -> Import -> From text file'.
Browse to the location where you've saved the notepad file, select the file and open it. Check the file list and if you've satisfied with the location and so on, just click ok. Then you can start the queue process by clicking the 'start queue' button and let your computer finish its job.
1. The download process will follow exactly as your scheduler setting. Remember the previous post about scheduler/queue download.
2. If you want to save all these files in a same location/folder, before you import the text file, copy one link of the file and click 'Add URL'. Select the folder where you want to save the file and then tick the checkbox 'Remember this path for "compressed' category' (the red box in the image) and then click start download (or download later). And after that, you can proceed with the 'import file' method.
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